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Welcome to this Federated Wiki site - **Vernacular wiki(ing)**. Here we explore how wiki might be made very widely used for thinking, sharing and organising, among communities of folks who are not code geeks.

About us . .

Writer, culture hacker, designer-maker, anthropologist . . I'm from Venus, what is it you do round here? aka barefoot doc. Contains . . biography, journal, working notes, blogging, back catalogue

What we make and share here . .

p2p collaborating in wiki - In a learning pod, here we explore ways of mobilising wiki as a medium, in developing and operating distributed, federated practices of production, in commons of organisers' capability aka formaciĆ²n and in (economic) value networks.

ROSTER mh.tries.fed.wiki/wiki-in-the-toolstack---roster

Here we explore how wiki might be made very widely used for thinking, sharing and organising, among communities of folks who are not geeks. Well, not code geeks!

What we make and share elsewhere . .

Here we explore what it takes for wiki to become widely used by people who need to collaborate, distributed across diverse locations, in producing, mobilising and stewarding radical understandings and practical capabilities, as distinct from (but mobilising) radical capabilities in code.

Here we develop and share thoughts on how to make wiki.cafe.

To enlarge your search neighborhood click on the >> links . . ROSTER mhresources.federated.wiki/mike-hales-wikis-roster ROSTER mhresources.federated.wiki/platforming-infrastructuring-roster

--- New to fedwiki? - Navigating in the wiki page lineup

The way fedwiki works is different from ordinary pages that we typically see in a web browser. Here we highlight some basic means, and some further insights into fedwiki.

Guidance on working with fedwiki, and why it is how it is.

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